Home Health & Beauty How to get beautiful skin
How to get beautiful skin
How to get beautiful skin
Whenever women join together the most favorite topic they always talk about is beauty . Lots of women try to find methods to keep their young. Skin treatment is also one of many things they care.If you are the one who attend to your beauty ,follow us to make your skin look better.
1. Try to relax as much as possible. Stress is not only extremely bad for you skin but also your physical and mental health. It indirectly effects to your hormone that can cause of skin problems like acne.
2.Avoiding sun exposure. If necessary always use sunscreen before going out.
3.Quit smoking.It might sound a little difficult but you can do it. Vitamin C can be destroyed by smoking. Not only that, the elastic keeping your skin tight the forming fine lines around your lip area can be damage, too.
4.Drink lots of pure water 8-12 glasses a day will help cleanse your body. It also keeps your skin moisturized.
5.Get plenty of blissful sleep.
6.Cleanse your skin regularly and properly by using a mild natural cleanser which is proper for your skin type.
7.You are what you eat .This phrase is the best explains what you should have. Fruit and raw veggies are the valued source .It contains of various vitamins and mineral that your skin and body need.