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7 powerful ways to sharpen your memory and increase your intelligence.
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7 powerful ways to sharpen your memory and increase your intelligence.
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Wouldn’t it be nice if we never forget anything? Bad news is , no one can not remember all things. Because, when we are paying attention to something, we always forget and ignore other things.
Wouldn’t it be nice if we never forget anything? Bad news is , no one can not remember all things. Because, when we are paying attention to something, we always forget and ignore others.
Besides this, there are many reasons can make us loss our memory such as time, age, sickness, stress and work, etc. However, there are some powerful ways can help you to sharpen your memory and increase yourr intelligence.

Improve your brain
If you have ever heard the saying, ‘Your brain is a muscle. The more you use it, the stronger it gets; and the more it is neglected, the worse it gets. then you should be familiar with the idea behind using a puzzle , draught or crossword to improve your mind.

Especially, solving the jigsaw puzzle you are forcing your brain to remember what certain pieces look like in order to pick out pieces that will fit together. You’ll be looking for pieces to fill empty spaces, too. All of this searching for pieces means that your brain will need to remember what each piece look like and what kinds of pieces you are looking for. Doing this over and over strengthens the memory.

Herbs for memory
Recently, the researchers found that there are many herbs can be helpful in stimulating the brain and promoting brain function, and have shown promise in helping prevent and treat memory loss such as ginkgo biloba , ginseng and periwinkle.

Fresh veggies and fruits help fight memory problems
It is known that veggies and fruits are extremely good for us. In addition, they are also good for our memory. Especially berries, the abundant source of several potent antioxidants, particularly Anthocyanidin .Clinical studies have shown that Anthocyanidin can neutralize free radicals which are specific to age-related mental clarity and memory capacity. This particular family of antioxidants has also been proven effective in fighting the free radicals responsible for macular degeneration and other age-related eye disorders. Besides this, there are other veggies and fruits can improve our memory such as red apple, red grape, violet grape, tomato, shallot, red cabbage, eggplant, java plum, red rice, black sticky rice, red bean, black bean, red chilli, cherry and sweet potato.