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9 to 5 : Miracle always happen
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9 to 5 : Miracle always happen
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Besides of low pay, long hours and fussy employers, boring in work from 9 am to 5 pm is a reason why good employees quit and go to another company, perhaps even old competitor.

Besides of low pay, long hours and fussy employers, boring in work from 9 am to 5 pm is a reason why good employees quit and go to another company, perhaps even old competitor.

So, if you are the one facing with this problem, there are some easy ways to cheer up yourself.

1. Work smart not harder. Start your day with easy work to stimulate your brain and enhance the creativity.ี
2. Just sit back and relax ! Try to take only 20 minutes daily to ease up yourself . Such as listening to the favorite music, reading entertainment news, gossip or mail to your friends. ์
3. Do it yourself. Let's making coffee instead of asking your maid or secretary. Great new idea or friendship may happen unexpectedly.้
4. Friendship is anywhere. Let's try to talk with someone you have never talk such as maid, guard, messenger or colleagues in another department.
5.Let's laugh together ! Laughing is such an amazing thing that we can't live without. If you don't have any topic to laugh, try to share jokes from everywhere together .
6. The psychology of color. Colors can affect a person's mood or behavior, so we need to consider this. Green is considered the most restful color for the eye. Combining the refreshing quality of blue and the cheerfulness of yellow, green is suited to almost any room in the office. However,if you want to captures the joy of sunshine and communicates happiness, including excitement and enthusiasm, yellow and orange are your choices.
7. Foot spas. After a tiring day at the office, it would be best to give your feet a relaxing to relieve the stress and pain. You can give yourself a foot massage in the privacy and comfort of your room or do it with your partner. A one-hour foot massage can help you sleep better, get rejuvenated, and be ready for another hectic day at the office.
8. Fresh pure and power. According to the priciple of Feng Sui, tree is a symbol of power. In addition, it is also the great source of oxygen. So, it would be best to plant some small trees in your office.
9. Speak out. If you have a problem at work, there are a number of different ways, that you can sort things out. However, the best way is to speak out what you think. Avoid talking to your colleagues, it is gossip not consult. It is better to talk to your boss.
10. The power of kindness. Don't hesitate to help your colleagues if they have problem or need some help.

By Savant